Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Sweet Potato Casserole

I had cooked ham in the pan, but didn't use it or any meat in the recipe. However, I left the brownings in the pan and added a little bit of regular onion, minced to a paste. Let it soften. Added a little olive oil and 2 cloves garlic, then about 3/4 tsp cumin and should have added 3/4 tsp chili powder then also. (I added it later)

Next added black beans. I mushed them up with my (clean) fingers so they made a paste. Added water to thin it out a little. Let it simmer.

In the meantime - microwaved a peeled sweet potato and cut it up. Melted butter into it and mashed it with some milk, salt, and pepper.

Cut up red bell pepper very fine. Added to beans. Cut kernels off roasted corn on the cob, added to beans. Blended a yellow squash with water in the Vita-mix. Added to beans. Take off stove when less watery, and add 1 tsp soy sauce.

For the casserole - corn tortillas torn into strips. Layer of bean mixture. Layer of squash. Layer of cheddar cheese - don't be afraid of using it. Repeat. Put in oven at 350 to warm through.

It could probably use salt, but the cheese had some bite to it, so that was ok.

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