Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Korean Potato

I can't remember when in law school I was introduced to these, but they are yummy. YUMMY.

Potato - I pre-baked in the microwave, then put in the fridge because I ran out of time. A couple days later I got it out, peeled it, and cut it up.

Warmed in non-stick pan with a dash of garlic powder, a little butter & a little sesame oil. Let it get nice and brown.

Added water + wheat-free soy sauce (tamari, from whole foods). Recipe proportions: 1/2 c water and 2 T soy sauce. My proportions: little less water, little more soy sauce.

Recipe also calls for 1 T sugar. I split it: some honey, some brown sugar.

Let boil until reduced and potato is soft.

And today's lessons:
*tamari is stronger than soy sauce because the wheat hasn't thinned it out. Use less, not more!
*onion flakes with the garlic and potato probably would have been good.
*recipe called for sesame oil to be added after. If I want this flavor, that's a better idea because after boiling in sauce, I couldn't taste the butter or the sesame oil I started with.
*probably use honey OR brown sugar. Or white sugar alone. I don't need the split-combo.
*wow, does this make the house smell. Good thing to do it when husband is gone (he's not a fan of soy sauce taste or smell), but better to open all the windows and use the fan even so.

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